Climate Art For Congress


Students who have been introduced to the climate crisis at school may feel worried about its effects, but not realize they have agency to speak up for a climate safe future. Climate Art for Congress gives pre-voting age students, along with their parents and teachers, a toolkit for learning the basics of climate science, researching their members of Congress and where they stand on climate, and writing about the climate impacts they care about the most. This creative project is the first of its kind to combine art, science, writing, and civics to empower young people to address the most urgent crisis of their time.

Research shows that the majority of people remain worried yet silent about the climate crisis because they feel outscaled by the issue and unsure how they can take action. Students have a huge stake in what climate solutions are prioritized next. This project invites them to be advocates for climate attention and legislation, raising their voices through civic engagement. This project is accessible for families who want to start a dialogue on climate issues as well as for teachers seeking interdisciplinary, climate-focused activities.  

Letters from students will be sent to Senators and Congressional Representatives on students’ behalf and posted on our online gallery. Selected notes will be featured across our digital platforms!

It’s now or never for a just transition and a livable future for the students writing these words and making this art!

Get started today by clicking on our toolkit, our worksheets, or by registering your interest in the program below.

If you’re a student, parent, or educator, you can help move us all in the right direction by following these steps:




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