Ways to Take Action

Your Vote is Your Voice

Voting in your local, state, and federal elections is a powerful way to act for climate justice. By voting for candidates who support the phase-out of fossil fuels, adaptation measures, and justice efforts, you highlight the importance of these issues to your representatives. Let your representatives know why you selected them, too! The flaws in our electoral process have become more evident than ever—and there are many important ways to get involved to create a more robust and equitable voting system. Our votes remain essential for climate progress.


  1. Check your voter registration and make sure you are registered to vote for the next election cycle. Local, state, and federal elections all matter.

  2. Look on each candidate’s website to see if they prioritize climate change and climate justice in their platform. Vote for candidates who support a just transition to renewable energy, the creation of good green union jobs, and the phase out of fossil fuels. Vote for candidates who will hold polluters responsible for the harm they have caused vulnerable communities and who will refuse campaign donations from the fossil fuel industry. Reject candidates who do not address climate justice in their platforms. 

  3. Make calls for the candidates you support to get the word out.

  4. Volunteer to phone bank and help register other people to vote.